Fredric Brandt (1949.06.26 to 2015.04.05)

Eldergay dermatologist to the stars Dr. Fredric Brandt committed suicide at the age of 65. Even the New York Times, which has lied about gays and lesbians for generations, could not escape the inevitable conclusion:

In recent years, friends said, they began to see signs that Dr. Brandt was having trouble adjusting to some of the less glamorous aspects of his life, one of which was being a single, 65-year-old gay man. He hadn’t been in a relationship since his 20s or 30s.

Scott Hines (d. 2015.02.21)

A city councillor, and later mayor, in Rancho Mirage, California, eldergay Scott Hines, committed suicide at the age of 45. Hines dealt with mental-health disability (either depression or bipolar disorder, according to news reports) and, according to a statement from his husband in the linked article, liver cancer.

Steven Davey (d. 2014.06.10)

Eldergay restaurant reviewer/musician/bicycle courier Steven Davey, who wrote for Toronto alternative newsweekly Now for almost two decades, “died suddenly” at age 64.

Since I have a lot of eldergays and youngergays foaming with rage when I call a suicide a suicide, let me explain a journalistic convention. “Died suddenly” means committed suicide (in all cases). “Died unexpectedly” means exactly that and has no ulterior meaning. Steven Davey “died suddenly,” hence committed suicide.